
Music Catalogue

Crimson Moon
Crimson Moon

la musique qui touche vos sens

Enjoy streaming all Moreza’s Tracks and albums on Hear Now. From there you can access all major music stores & platforms in addition link to any of Moreza’s Social Netword Media sites. The Catalouge includes the two albums; “Crimson Moon” & “Fragrance”, and the Brand new compilation series project; “La Masque”, a Various Artist Double Disc Project; which was compiled & mixed by Moreza & Dj Mudra from Buddha Bar Beograd. The project features new Originals and Classique Remakes produced by Moreza. The list includes “Love in Portofino” by Andrea Buccelli; and a Latin Lounge Remake of Julio Iglesias’s “El Amor”; that is performed by Canadian Female Star; ROXANNA; and produced by Moreza, with a touch of his signature Guitar lines.


Le Masquevol.1
Le Masque de Venice; et Musica de Vieneese
Moreza’s latest compilation album, in collaboration with DJ Mudra from Buddha-Bar Beograd. The Double Disc Compilation creates a Romantic soundscape to the Canals of Venezzia with a Magical touch of carefully tailored playlist of Originals, Remakes, Guests & Featuring Artists.